Plants on Kew – a wholesale nursery (by appointment) in Kew, NSW 2439 is now growing a huge variety of plants including a great selection of trees, native and exotic – Blueberry Ash, Brush Box, Crepe Myrtles, Crows Ash, Eumundi Quandong, Firewheel, Illawarra Flame, Ivory Curl Flower, Jacaranda, Liquidambar, Tuckeroo, Tulipwood and Water Gum (we are also growing Koalas Food Trees). Plus we offer soil and mulch and expert advice to clients in the Port Macquarie/Hastings area and throughout the Mid North Coast of NSW. Locally grown for local conditions.
View individual portfolio entries for trees now growing at Plants on Kew.
BLUEBERY ASH - Elaecarpus reticulates - Native
see portfolio entry for Blueberry Ash
Contact Plants on Kew wholesale nursery, Mid North Coast NSW 2439 for sizes currently available and price.
BRUSH BOX - Lophostemon confertus - Native
see portfolio entry for Brush Box
Contact Plants on Kew wholesale nursery, Mid North Coast NSW 2439 for sizes currently available and price.
CREPE MYRTLE - Lagerstroemia - Exotic
Hopi (Lagerstroemia ‘Hopi’) see portfolio entry | Lipan (Lagerstroemia ‘Lipan’) see portfolio entry | Natchez (Lagerstroemia ‘Natchez’) see portfolio entry | Sioux (Lagerstroemia ‘Sioux’) see portfolio entry |
Contact Plants on Kew wholesale nursery, Mid North Coast NSW 2439 for sizes currently available and price.
CROWS ASH - Flindersia australis - Native
see portfolio entry for Crows Ash
Contact Plants on Kew wholesale nursery, Mid North Coast NSW 2439 for sizes currently available and price.
EUMUNDI QUANDONG - Elaeocarpsu eumundi - Native
see portfolio entry for Eumundi Quondong
Contact Plants on Kew wholesale nursery, Mid North Coast NSW 2439 for sizes currently available and price.
FIREWHEEL - Stenocarpus sinuatus- Native
see portfolio entry for Firewheel Tree
Contact Plants on Kew wholesale nursery, Mid North Coast NSW 2439 for sizes currently available and price.
ILLAWARRA FLAME - Brachychiton acerifolius - Native
see portfolio entry for Illawarra Flame Tree
Contact Plants on Kew wholesale nursery, Mid North Coast NSW 2439 for sizes currently available and price.
IVORY CURL FLOWER - Buckinghamia celsissima - Native
see portfolio entry for Ivory Curl Flower
Contact Plants on Kew wholesale nursery, Mid North Coast NSW 2439 for sizes currently available and price.
JACARANDA - Mimosifolia - Exotic
see portfolio entry for Jacaranda
Contact Plants on Kew wholesale nursery, Mid North Coast NSW 2439 for sizes currently available and price.
LIQUIDAMBAR - Liquidambar stryaciflua - Exotic
see portfolio entry for Liquidambar
Contact Plants on Kew wholesale nursery, Mid North Coast NSW 2439 for sizes currently available and price.
TUCKEROO - Cupaniopsis anacardioides - Native
see portfolio entry for Tuckeroo
Contact Plants on Kew wholesale nursery, Mid North Coast NSW 2439 for sizes currently available and price.
TULIPWOOD - Harpullia pendular - Native
see portfolio entry for Tulipwood tree
Contact Plants on Kew wholesale nursery, Mid North Coast NSW 2439 for sizes currently available and price.
WATER GUM - Tristaniopsis laurina - Native
see portfolio entry for Water Gum (Tristaniopsis laurina) |
Contact Plants on Kew wholesale nursery, Mid North Coast NSW 2439 for sizes currently available and price.
WEEPING LILLY PILLY - Waterhousea floribunda - Native
see portfolio entry for Weeping Lilly Pilly (Waterhousea floribunda) under Hedges|
Contact Plants on Kew wholesale nursery, Mid North Coast NSW 2439 for sizes currently available and price.
If you would like to visit Plants on Kew wholesale nursery in Kew NSW 2439, contact us to arrange an appointment.